Early Childhood Supplement Program

Early Childhood Supplement FAQ's


• Currently employed as a teacher, teacher’s assistant, or director and have been employed for the last six months in the same center or FCCH (Family Child Care Home)

• Work with children ages 0-5 years old

• Work at least 10 hours per week in a licensed child care center or FCCH

• Earn less than $23 per hour

• Have completed at least 3 semester hours of eligible coursework

What is the Early Childhood Supplement Program? 

Children & Family Resource Center’s Early Childhood Supplement Program provides education-based salary supplements to low-paid teachers, directors and family child care educators working with children ages birth to 5 years old. The program is designed to increase retention, education, and compensation.  

Who is eligible to receive the supplement? 

Any child care professional earning below $23/hour. The supplement recipient must work with children ages birth to 5 at least 10 hours per week in a licensed child care program in Henderson County and have completed at least 1 class of eligible coursework.  

How much will I receive? 

Eligible participants will receive $600 a year, pending renewal every 6 months. $300 Payments will be disbursed twice a year in July and January. 

What do I have to do to participate in the Early Childhood Supplement Program? 

Interested child care professionals must complete an application and provide verification of (1) current employment in a participating child care program, (2) current wages and (3) education earned, as verified by an official transcript.  Interested professionals may only participate in one salary supplement initiative for Early Educators. If you are participating in WAGE$ or infant-toddler AWARD$ plus, you are not eligible to participate in Children and Family Resource Center’s Early Childhood Supplement Program. You may receive the CFRC Wages Supplement if you are on the WAGE$ or AWARD$ plus waiting list and it is your responsibility to notify CFRC when you are enrolled in another supplemental program.

How are supplements received? 

$300 Supplements will be issued in July and in January each year. The first supplements issued in July 2023, will be based on the 1/1/2023-6/30/2023 period. 

An installment will be issued after each period, based on the education level and the work schedule of the recipient over the six-month period completed. No portion of the award will be issued if the participant leaves her/his program prior to completing the entire six-month commitment period. Time out for leave or summer breaks cannot be counted toward the completion of a commitment period. New applicants need to be employed at the time of the employment confirmation. All supplements are contingent on available funds, but we anticipate funding to go through June 30, 2027.  

Do I have to pay taxes on the supplement I receive? 

The salary supplement is income. Participants will receive an IRS-1099 form at the end of the year if they received $600 or more from CFRC during the calendar year. Recipients are responsible for reporting and paying any personal income taxes due. 

Will I receive a supplement if I move to another child care program? 

Payments are issued to participants after each six-month period in the same child care program. If a participant moves to another licensed child care program in a participating county within the six months, then the commitment period must be reset based on reapplication and the employment date at the new site. This policy is designed to encourage more stability for the children in care. 

I work in a child care center, what is the center’s responsibility? 

A child care center must agree to provide verification of an applicant’s employment status and wages and agree not to use participation in the program to offset normal wage increases. The center is not responsible for providing the salary supplement should funding no longer be available. 

 To apply for the program, click here to download the application.

For more information,
please contact:

Tara Donaghue, Workforce Development Administrator

(828) 698-0674 Ext. 104

[email protected]