Parents as Teachers

The Parents as Teachers Program (PAT) is a nationally acclaimed, research-based parent education and family support program. This program serves parents that have children ages 0 to 5, to provide them with parenting support and information on their developing child.

Henderson County Parents as Teachers Earns Blue Ribbon Designation!

In 2022, our Parents as Teachers program completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement process and earned the highest designation: Blue Ribbon Affiliate status. Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate affirms that the Children and Family Resource Center’s Parents as Teachers program is among the highest quality members of the home visitation and parent education field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.

The program provides practical, hands-on information and techniques that help you be the best parent you can be through:

  • Home visits: During these visits parent educators focus on three areas: parent-child interaction, development centered parenting and family well-being. Parents will do an activity their child and the parent educator shares age-appropriate child development and parenting information.
  • Group Connections: Meetings are held monthly and are a fun way to connect with other parents with children the same age. Parents enjoy activities for the whole family while you learn and share how-to information about parenting issues and child development.
  • Developmental screenings are conducted annually to assess the child’s overall development as well as health, hearing and vision.
  • Resource network that links your family to other community services.

For more information about Parents as Teachers, visit the Parents as Teachers National website.

Sound interesting to you or someone you know?

For more information,
please contact:

Laurian Richards
Family Outreach Director
(828) 698 – 0674 Ext. 144
[email protected]

The program is partially funded by United Way of Henderson County.