Let’s Root for Each Other

Let’s Root For Each Other

With fall sports underway, I have been on a few sidelines and one thing is certain– I will never fully understand “offsides”.  No matter what the sport is. I just don’t understand this imaginary line and I am willing to bet that many high school referees are also confused.  

I am also certain that each of these kids on the fields, in the stands, on the playground, and in the halls at school needs a cheerleader (or seven) and we all have an opportunity to fill that role.  You don’t need to be sporting a pom-pom to let kids know that you are rooting for them to be successful. 

At Children & Family Resource Center, we are working with parents and caregivers to be their children’s or students’ primary cheerleaders. We use the evidence-based Parents as Teachers and Positive Parenting Program curriculums with some of our programs to help caregivers work with the children in their care to manage big emotions, develop healthy routines, and gain valuable skills like problem-solving.  When children can learn to talk about strong emotions and handle them calmly, children gain worthy tools to help them now, and in the future.

Working alongside a parent or teacher, our team helps create strategies for day-to-day activities, sharing, and getting along with others. With these strategies on hand, family and classroom life will hopefully get a little bit easier.  We know that working with children and parenting is the hardest- and a special shoutout goes to those who do both!

The programs offered at the Children & Family Resource Center are not going to swoop in and make life instantly easier, but they will give you tools and resources, using strength-based strategies, that will allow you to once again be your child’s biggest cheerleader. Rather than scolding or yelling, parents, and caregivers can spend more time encouraging, and supporting children, turning self-doubt into self-confidence.

The team at Children and Family Resource Center is rooting for EVERY family and every child.  We want families to win because we know that strong families build strong and resilient communities. We all have various accents, hometowns, political beliefs, and a million other differences, but I will root for your children and so will Children & Family Resource Center.  If you need a little extra help with parenting support or know someone who does,  call the center at 828-687-0674 and let our incredible team see if there is something we can get you connected with right now.

In the meantime, we’re here on the sidelines waving our foam fingers, rooting for your children, not worrying about offsides.

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