November is Family Engagement Month

November is Family Engagement Month! You are your child’s first and most important teacher. This is a time to recognize the important role families play in the education and well-being of their children throughout the year. Use #FamiliesFEM to join the conversation.

The Family Engagement Month calendars include activities and resources for families and educators that support student success while encouraging collaboration between families and schools. There are calendars for families of children Birth-2, Preschool-PreK, Elementary, and Middle/High. The calendars are available in Spanish. There is also a calendar for educators as well as calendars available in Word so that schools or organizations can add their own activities and events for families.

Download calendars by clicking the links below:

Birth to 2 Years – English

Nacimiento – 2 Anos – Espanol

Preschool – PreK – English

de Preescholar y PreK – Espanol

Elementary – English

en Primaria – Espanol

Middle to High School – English

en Secundaria y Perparatoria – Espanol