Community Foundation Awards $10,000 Grant to Full Tum, Dry Bum

The Children & Family Resource Center (CFRC) is pleased to announce the award of a grant of $10,000 from the Community Foundation of Henderson County. The grant will provide support for the Center’s newest program, Full Tum, Dry Bum, a formula and diaper assistance program.

Full Tum, Dry Bum fills a basic need at no cost to families while also making connections with caregivers and referring to CFRC programs when it’s a fit.  “We are thankful for the Community Foundation of Henderson County’s support for our smallest residents.  Tummies full of nutrients can positively impact brain development and future growth and learning which benefits all of us as part of a larger community,” said Jamie Wiener, Executive Director.

Full Tum, Dry Bum program will have Friday office hours from 9 am to 3 pm for parents and caregivers to pick-up diapers, wipes, and formula. Assistance will be provided to families once per month. Appointments can be made online: or by calling 698-0674. The program is open to all families and providers in Henderson County that need access to diapers, wipes, and formula.

About Community Foundation of Henderson County
Founded in 1982, Community Foundation of Henderson County’s mission is helping people who care make lasting contributions to causes that matter. The Foundation accepts gifts from individuals, families, businesses and organizations to create a permanent pool of charitable capital from which grants are awarded. Learn more about Community Foundation of Henderson County at, and by calling 828-697-6224.

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